One more thing before I leave this crazy place. If you find that you're looking for a fight (and many of you clearly are), stop and think about how you're wasting your time and energies. If you are trying to one up someone, stop and think about that too. No one here knows anyone else, but I can see that these boards have become not about their subjects, but about coming here (under various aliases) and ripping the heads off of other posters for no good reason other than you are feeling blue, depressed, cantankerous, or you just want to goof around and be as nasty as you can. I've noticed less people posting here and I think that says something in and of itself. Miserable depressed people come here it seems, to trounce on others for absolutely no reason. Many cannot take a difference of opinion and that is fine, but when you differ, the way to get your point across is NOT to attack with both barrels. I think Disqus is remiss too, for the way they run this thing. It literally invites those who cannot control themselves on a simple message board, and who go off at the slightest provocation. Again, I am noticing less and less posters all the time on every board. People should take notice too because it really says a lot.
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